Writing about ourselves is weird. Sometimes you don't know what to say, other times you don't have enough perspective on your own goings-on to know what's interesting to people. If we had a big PR team, they'd take care of this for us, but, here we are, writing about ourselves.
So we'll just talk about what we're up to. We've been releasing a lot of new music lately, and have a lot to come. We wrote a lot of music during the pandemic, and now that we're not doing regular livestreams any longer,* we have the bandwidth to get them finished and released.
There are about 12 or so in the queue from our pandemic writing, and our idea is to put out (about) a song every other month or so until we're finished with them, at which point we'll press some vinyl, do a record release show and take over the world. We've got a handful out already, and we've got a bunch in various stages of the production queue.
We're playing shows here and there too; we entered the tiny desk contest again this year, and we've got plans to get back to occasional live stream shows. We will probably make them more of an "event" and less frequent than during the pandemic, so it may be a couple of minutes before we start them up again.